About St. Brother Albert Aid Society in English

Wyczółkowski: Brat Albert z dzieckiem

We are an independent Catholic charity. The Society’s aim is to help the poor and the homeless by following the ideas propagated by its patron, St. Brother Albert — Adam Chmielowski.

The society accomplishes its aims through:

  • • establishing and running hostels, night shelters, permanent residence homes;

  • • social work, legal and psychological help, ministry;

  • • running soup kitchens, bath houses, day rooms, clubs, organizing Christmas Eve suppers and Easter breakfasts, summer camps;

  • • distributing food, clothes, appliances, household detergents, medicines;

  • • cooperation with local and central government, the Catholic Church, non-governmental organizations;

  • • information activity, inspiring scientific research;

  • • staff and volunteers training.

Adam Chmielowski - later: Brother AlbertThe Society has been acting since 1981 and is the first non-governmental organization in Poland that started to help the homeless. Until 1989 it was named Adam Chmielowski’s Aid Society. It has 2,900 members organized in 62 Circles (branches). Each Circle (branch) tries to establish a hostel, soup kitchen or other kind of help for the poor and homeless people.

“… each hungry person should be given food, a homeless one – a place to stay, and a naked – clothes. If you cannot give much, give little…”

In our centres we also attempt to obey this rule, which was followed in the shelters organized by St. Brother Albert.

We are running 75 shelters.

The Shelter for Homeless Men in WroclawShelters for men:

  • • 36 hostels with over 2,000 places;

  • • 2 hostels combined with a night shelter – 105 places;

  • • 2 dormitories and 5 protected flats – 60 places;

  • • 9 night shelters for 520 people;

  • • 2 places for warming up – 50 places.

Shelters for women and children:

  • • 8 hostels for women and mothers with children with 260 places;

  • Charity kitchens• 1 children’s home where 45 children stays;

  • • 1 night shelter for women – 16 places;

  • • as well as 9 homes for the sick and the elderly where 260 people lives.

— All in all, there are about 3300 people staying in these institutions.

Our Sponsors from Eschwege, GermanyAnd also:

  • • 14 soup kitchens and 2 eating places which serve 2,900 meals daily;

  • • a chemist’s supported by donations;

  • • 5 free bath houses;

  • • 13 centres of clothing and food distribution;

  • Football/Soccer Championship of the Homeless• 3 day rooms, the Albertinian Club;

  • • 8 motivation centres for the unemployed;

  • • 4 social integration clubs and social and career reintegration centre;

  • • sport integration teams;

  • • 1 filmotherapy centre (The Cinema Albert Productions in Wroclaw);

  • • 1 computer lab (The Jacek Jureczko Computer Lab for the Homeless in Wroclaw).

Our Green SantaClausesAs the need arises, we renovate and extend our institutions ourselves.

You will find more information about the Society in:

  • • an annual report on the activity of the Society;

  • • the book by Fr. Jan Śledzianowski “St. Brother Albert Aid Society and Homelessness” — available in English in our branches (Circles) and in the Main Board;

  • • the films by The Cinema Albert Productions — available with English subtitles in our Wroclaw Circle (use the "Kontakt" page for contacting us).

Contact Us:


(Polish: Towarzystwo Pomocy im. sw. Brata Alberta · Kolo Wroclawskie, abbr. TPBA)

A Polish non-governmental organization and a public benefit organization (Polish abbr. OPP)

Polish Court Registrar of Companies and also Government Issued Charity Registration Number (KRS): 0000298714
Polish Governmental Registrar of National Economy (REGON): 020695268
Polish Tax Identification Number (NIP): 899-22-83-286

Our Headquarter is located at:
ul. bp. Bernarda Bogedaina 5 (street), Wroclaw (city), 50-514 (postal code), POLAND

Phone: (+48) 71 367 12 37,  Fax: (+48) 71 336 40 17
Information Phone Line: 800 292 137 (available only in Poland, rather in Polish)

E-mail: Adres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć.

Our Bank Account:
Account Number: 87 1020 5242 0000 2502 0151 6897,
IBAN No.: PL87 1020 5242 0000 2502 0151 6897,
Bank Name: PKO BP S. A.
(deriv.) Powszechna Kasa Oszczednosci Bank Polski S.A. PKOBP Oddzial 3 we Wroclawiu,
Bank Address: ul. Powstancow Slaskich 60, Wroclaw, 53-333, POLAND


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